Sunday, February 17, 2008

Chimaeric Kudos Aplenty!

Our contributors are a talented lot. Not only did Frank Osen win The Best American Poetry Poem Challenge II, but Sally Cook (also in The Chimaera #1) was awarded the third prize in that competition for her poem "As The Underworld Turns".

But there's more. In Dr. Dorn's 2007 World Order Of Narrative and Formalist Poets Contest, Sally won First Prize in the Gutenberg to Heisenberg category for her poem "Fruit in His Future", Second Prize in the Richard Wilbur category for her poem "Changes", a tie for Second Prize in the Dylan Thomas Award category for her poem "The Flowered Days", and for Third Prize in both the Limerick and the Alfred Dorn Sonnet Award for her poems "A Passion for Fashion" and "Icy Cycle", In addition, she won numerous Honorable Mentions for other poems. Her poem "She Walks, She Talks" won an Honorable mention in the Ben Jonson Award category, and in the the Elizabeth Bishop Award she won an Honorable Mention for her poem "Diana of the Shopping Mall".

Even more: David Landrum won a first place in the WOFP 'From Cellini to Bernini' category for his poem 'Two Davids'; a second place in the June Kraft Memorial Award for 'Garden Menagerie'; a second in the Elizabeth Bishop Award for 'Dirt' as well as four honorable mentions.

Still more: Gail White won the WOFP Herrick competition, and Susan McLean tied for third place in the Felix Stefanile Triadic Sonnet Award for her poem 'Doors'.

And Quincy Lehr won 300 quid from his local pub in Ireland for a 'love' sonnet entitled 'We All Have Our Needs'. Irish pubs have poetry contests? That's better than chook raffles.

Well done, Chimaereans!

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